The Foundation for Florida’s Future responds to House passage of legislation to deregulate public schools 

Patricia Levesque, Executive Director of the Foundation for Florida’s Future issued this statement in response to House passage of legislation to deregulate public schools.

“We appreciate the House’s commitment to providing regulatory relief to public school districts without lowering standards, expectations or fair funding for public school choice options.

“Florida has long been a leader in maintaining high standards, strong accountability and robust choice in education. That’s why copying states like Oregon, New York and New Jersey in rolling back student expectations would have been the wrong way for Florida to go. We’re happy the House rejected these elements of the Senate’s proposal.

“We thank Speaker Paul Renner and Reps. Alex Rizo and Dana Trabulsy for their leadership, and we urge the Senate to take up this language in providing appropriate relief to public school districts across Florida.”


The House’s version of deregulation, contained in HB 7025 and HB 7039 and amended onto SB 7002 and SB 7004, includes these provisions: 

The Senate’s language to reduce high school exit exam requirements for graduation and to eliminate protections for federal fund sharing with charter schools are not included in either of the House bills. 

RELATED: “I’m Jeb Bush, and Florida’s education system needs to focus on accountability”